Sword Close combat The Black Shores
Suggested Main Echo
Suggested Main Echo
Main Damage DealerConcerto EfficiencyBasic Attack Damage
Outro Skill
Attack the target, dealing Havoc Damage equal to 329.24% of Camellya's ATK. After activating Forte Circuit's Ephemeral, the next Outro Skill Twining deals additional Havoc Damage equal to 459.02% of Camellya's ATK.
Stats for Lv.90
Normal Attack
Basic Attack Perform up to 5 consecutive attacks, dealing Havoc Damage. After performing Basic Attack Stage 3 or Heavy Attack Pruning, hold Normal Attack Button to continuously strike the target, dealing Havoc Damage. Basic Attack Stage 4 is automatically followed by Basic Attack Stage 5. Heavy Attack - Pruning Consume STA to attack the target, dealing Havoc Damage. Mid-air Attack Consume STA to perform Plunging Attack, dealing Havoc Damage. Dodge Counter Use Basic Attack right after a successful Dodge to attack the target, dealing Havoc Damage.
Resonance Skill
Valse of Bloom and Blight
Crimson Blossom Attack the target, dealing Havoc Damage (considered Basic Attack DMG), then enter Blossom Mode. This attack can be performed in mid-air. Blossom Mode - Unable to move while suspended on vines. - Basic Attack and Heavy Attack Pruning are replaced by Basic Attack Vining Waltz: chain together 4 consecutive attacks, dealing Havoc Damage, considered Basic Attack DMG. - When performing Vining Waltz Stage 3, hold Normal Attack Button to cast Blazing Waltz that deals Havoc Damage before automatically performing Vining Waltz Stage 4. - Dodge Counter is replaced by Dodge Counter Atonement. Tap Normal Attack Button right after a successful Dodge to attack the target, dealing Havoc Damage, considered Basic Attack DMG. - Resonance Skill is replaced by Resonance Skill Floral Ravage. Casting Floral Ravage deals Havoc Damage, considered Basic Attack DMG. - Resonance Skill Floral Ravage can be cast in mid-air. - Blossom Mode ends after casting Resonance Skill Floral Ravage. - Blossom Mode ends after using the Levitator. - Jump is replaced with Basic Attack Vining Ronde. Use Jump to attack the target at the cost of STA, dealing Havoc Damage (considered Basic Attack DMG). This ends the Blossom Mode. - Using Basic Attack Vining Waltz and Basic Attack Blazing Waltz in mid-air consumes STA. - Casting Resonance Skill Floral Ravage doesn't restore STA. - Consume STA continuously to stay suspended on the vines.
Resonance Liberation
Fervor Efflorescent
Attack the target, dealing Havoc Damage. This attack can be performed in mid-air.
Inherent Skill
Gain 15% Havoc Damage Bonus. DMG dealt by Heavy Attack Pruning is now considered Basic Attack DMG.
Inherent Skill
Gain 15% Basic DMG Bonus. Gain increased resistance to interruption when casting Basic Attack, Basic Attack Vining Waltz, and Basic Attack Blazing Waltz.
Forte Circuit
Vegetative Universe
Hitting a target with Normal Attack, Basic Attack Vining Waltz, Basic Attack Blazing Waltz, Basic Attack Vining Ronde, Dodge Counter Atonement , Resonance Skill Crimson Blossom, and Resonance Skill Floral Ravage consumes Crimson Pistils. The Energy Regen Multiplier of this attack is increased by 150%. Consuming 10 Crimson Pistils recovers 4 Concerto Energy and obtains <SapTag=3>1</SapTag> Crimson Bud(s). Each bud lasts for 15s, stacking up to 10 times. Forte Circuit: Ephemeral When Concerto Energy is fully recovered, and Ephemeral is not on Cooldown, Resonance Skill is replaced with Ephemeral. Casting Ephemeral consumes 70 Concerto Energy and deals Havoc Damage to the targets. This damage is considered Basic Attack DMG. Camellya enters Budding Mode after casting Ephemeral. This can be cast in mid-air. Budding Mode - Sweet Dream: Increase the DMG Multiplier of Normal Attack, Basic Attack Vining Waltz, Basic Attack Blazing Waltz, Basic Attack Vining Ronde, Dodge Counter Atonement, Resonance Skill Crimson Blossom, and Resonance Skill Floral Ravage by 50%. - Casting Ephemeral consumes all Crimson Buds. Each Crimson Bud consumed additionally increases the DMG Multiplier of Sweet Dream by 5%, up to 50%. - When in Budding Mode, Camellya cannot gain Crimson Buds. - When in Budding Mode, the Energy Regen Multiplier of Normal Attack, Basic Attack Vining Waltz, Basic Attack Blazing Waltz, Basic Attack Vining Ronde, Dodge Counter Atonement, Resonance Skill Crimson Blossom, and Resonance Skill Floral Ravage is reduced to 0%. - Budding Mode ends when Camellya is switched off the field. - Budding Mode ends when all Crimson Pistils are consumed. Crimson Pistil Camellya can hold up to 100 Crimson Pistils. - Casting Intro Skill Everblooming recovers 100 Crimson Pistils. - Activating Forte Circuit's Ephemeral recovers 100 Crimson Pistils.
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Intro Skill
Attack the target, dealing Havoc Damage.
Base stats
- HP
- 10325/ 11400Decreased by -9.43%
- 450/ 375Increased by 20.00%
- 1161/ 1369Decreased by -15.19%
Resonance Chain
1. Sequence Node
Somewhere No One Travelled
Casting Intro Skill Everblooming increases Camellya's Crit. DMG by 28% for 18s. This effect can be triggered once every 25s. Immune to interruptions while casting Ephemeral.
2. Sequence Node
Calling Upon the Silent Rose
The DMG Multiplier of Resonance Skill Ephemeral is increased by 120%.
3. Sequence Node
A Bud Adorned by Thorns
The DMG Multiplier of Resonance Liberation Fervor Efflorescent is increased by 50%. When in Budding Mode, Camellya's ATK is increased by 58%.
4. Sequence Node
Roots Set Deep In Eternity
Casting Everblooming gives all team members 25% Basic Attack DMG Bonus for 30s.
5. Sequence Node
Infinity Held in Your Palm
The DMG Multipliers of Intro Skill Everblooming is increased by 303% and Outro Skill Twining is increased by 68%.
6. Sequence Node
Bloom For You Thousand Times Over
The DMG Multiplier of Forte Circuit's Sweet Dream is additionally increased by 150%. Forte Circuit Perennial: Within 15s after casting Ephemeral, if Concerto Energy is full and Perennial is not on cooldown, Resonance Skill is replaced with Perennial. Casting Perennial consumes 50 Concerto Energy and recovers 50 Crimson Pistils, dealing Havoc Damage equal to 100% of Ephemeral DMG, considered Basic Attack DMG. This skill can be cast once every 25s. Camellya enters Budding Mode after casting Perennial and removes all Crimson Buds. The bonus DMG Multiplier granted by Forte Circuit's Sweet Dream is increased to 250%. Immune to interruptions when casting Perennial.
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